Make Money with Adsense Make Money with Adsense

Making Money With Adsense

Make Money with Adsense

Make Money with Adsense


Well, if you ended up here than your interested in making money. Of course most folks only want to get some of yours so the first thing I'll say, right up front, for everyone to hear is this: I'M NOT SELLING YOU ANYTHING! You don't need to join this thing or that thing or some other thing or buy some get rich quick scheme. It isn't about buying a bunch of something and selling it to some dumb schmuck that doesn't know any better, or taking advantage of others, or doing anything illegal, immoral, or what have you. In short, well, it's all about Google.

Yup, that's right. The folks that give us search, and GMail, and about a hundred other things want to pay you as well. Of course you do have to work for it. As near as I can tell there is not nor has there ever been a get rich quick scheme that works. Google's Adsense takes work. You can't just sit around waiting for that check every month hoping that somehow they will send you a check by mistake. To get with the program you need:

1) A website - If you have one, great! The more traffic you have the more cash you can take in. Many blog hosts also allow Adsense so if you run a blog than check on it. The money is there waiting to be made. If you don't have a website or run a blog Google these things and find out how to set one up.

2) An Adsense Account - Adsense is free to sign up for. That's right, folks, it's absolutely 100% free. You don't have to pay anyone, read someone's how to book, or anything else. It's absolutely free.

3) Place the ads on your pages - Once your site or blog is up, running, and isn't under construction you can place ads on it. I'll get to this more below but how your ads are placed and the colors of your ads will be a huge impact on the amount of money you will make. It's a matter of 'click through.' You only make money if a user clicks on a Google ad. If they don't click than you will make nothing.

It's really that easy to start.

Wow! You read this far so you must be interested in doing something with adsense. Here are a few cardinal rules:

1) Learn Google's terms of service and abide by them! You will lose out big time if you try to scam the system.

2) Don't click your own ads! Google is smarter than you think. They will catch you.

3) Try different ad colors, types, and locations. No one knows how an ad is going to perform on a given site. I went for months making next to nothing because I didn't try other things. Once I found a format that worked (after sitting on my laurels for a year) I found that my income from Adsense went up by 1,000 percent. Yes, that's not a typo! 1,000 percent!

4) Different ads fetch different prices. An ad for skin care may pay you differently that an ad for cancer specialists. Do some research. It's quite easy really. Just Google a term you interested in. See the 'Sponsored Links' on the right hand side? If there's only one or two of them than chances are it's not a very competitive keyword, hence your payment will be low. If, on the other hand there's the 'More Sponsored Links' link on the bottom, and it shows 100 more pages of ads, than you know your in a very competitive market. The prices will be much higher!

5) Push your website traffic higher. If your getting $1.00 a day from 10 visitors than you should get $10.00 a day from 100 visitors and $100.00 a day from 1000 visitors.

That's it! It's that easy to do. And, I must ad, I never tried to sell you anything!
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Make Money with Adsense